Saya/Black Dress/2/Borias Hemilton/Mercenaries/The next morning...

From Create Your Own Story

< Saya | Black Dress | 2 | Borias Hemilton | Mercenaries
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The morning light leaks through your curtains. It hits your eyes, and you wake up with a groan. After rolling around in bed a bit, you get out and do some morning stretches. It is a new day.

There are many things you have to do today. You have to leave today to go meet your new husband, but you also promised to introduce Kaleb and his band of mercenaries to the mage. There is still time before you have to leave so you can personally introduce the mage to Kaleb, but you can also leave the task to someone else and use the free time at your leisure. In either case you need to talk to Duran.

You find Duran and, surprisingly, Kaleb outside in the training ring sparring. His mercenary group is standing around the ring, hooting and hollering encouragements at both competitors. If Kaleb's exhausted face is anything to go by, this round's winner is about to be Duran. You are proven correct when, not half a minute later, Kaleb's sword is struck away from his grip and he is on his back staring up at the sky.

"Aye, a mighty good spar. I'd say the score is 6 to 0, in my favor," Duran says as he walks over to Kaleb and reaches his hand out.

"5 to 1," Kaleb responds as he grabs Duran's offered hand and hauls himself up, "I won the first match."

As Kaleb is looking around for his sword, he notices you standing there watching. His face changes from confusion, to surprise, to bashfulness in under a minute.

"M-my lady...uhhhh...Saya...uhh...princess?" he stutters slightly as he bows a bit.

Duran lets out a bark of laughter and slaps Kaleb on the back as he addresses you.

"G'morning lass," he asks, amusement at Kaleb's formality in his eyes, "They've been filled in on the little details, so what are the plans for today?"

Take Kaleb and the mercenary to meet the mage personally.

Tell Duran to get someone else to take care of mage introduction, while you use the much earned free time at your leisure.

Health 100 Equipment:

Black Dress

Stamina 100
Mood Ready Inventory:

Mother's Katana, Full Black Leather Armor

Purse 100, 00, 00
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