Amelia/Purple Dress/2/Ruairi/Cast Arcane Barrage

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You quickly prepare your offensive spells, its not really your specialty but this ought to give those beasties something to think about. 25 bolts of blueish light shoot out of your palms, soar trough the air and find their targets. The wolves don't know what just hit them as several magic missiles hit each of them. Causing them to stagger and two of the wolves are brought down by your soldiers who use the opportunity to launch an offensive. The beasts are cornered and they desperately charge the mercenaries. The mercs don't have the strength to stop them and the beasts break trough.

Suddenly, one of the beasts appears in front of you, it's claws flash trough the air and one of the mercs in front of you falls down, bleeding massively from the neck. Another merc charges the beast but is knocked aside. Then it charges at you.

You :

Cast Arcane Bolt at the charging werewolf to stop it in its tracks

Cast Avatar on Willem who is still standing behind you, with your magical power channeled into him, even he should be able to defeat this werewolf

Health 100 Equipment:

Purple Dress, Mother's Wedding Ring(keepsake)

Stamina 90
Mood Frightened Inventory:


Purse 1849, 500, 0
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