Saya/Black Dress/2/Borias Hemilton/Bar/Placing bets

From Create Your Own Story

You figure you might as well let these two idiots go at it if they're so eager, not like either of them are a big loss and it'll be good entertainment. Still, Jacob would be mad if they broke his furniture. You don't want Jacob to get mad, you reaally don't, so you tell them to take it outside. They nod and the crowd cheerily follows them outside, placing bets on who'll win. You see Jacob collecting the bets, guess he doesn't really mind if they kill eachother long as he doesn't have to clean up the mess.

You :

Bet on the tall, wiry guy with less brains than tattoes on his back, the accuser

Bet on the Stocky, mean-looking guy who looks like he's stabbed alot of people in the back, The accused

Just watch the fight

Health 90 Equipment:

Black Dress

Stamina 80
Mood Slightly Drunk Inventory:


Purse {{{Gold}}}, {{{Silver}}}, {{{Copper}}}
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