Try shifting into the preacher and see what happens

From Create Your Own Story

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"Okay," you say. "Here I come, Mr. Preacher."

You try to shift your spirit into the strong young body but are met by an incredibly powerful force. Your spirit is wrenched into the grip of someone you recognize immediately as the real Satan, and an instant later you're back in Monica's rotund body.

"Well, that explains a lot," you giggle.

"Yes, indeed," he replies. "And my four horsemen are up here. While you were possessing Tyrone, you met Famine -- she's the woman running the homeless shelter. War and Death are in the guise of police officers, and I haven't seen Conquest yet. Famine has realized her powers and is making trouble for us. I could really use your help: bring me War and Death before they realize their power so I can put them under my control."

"I'll do my best," you say.

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7-11 Clerk
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