R: "No! Please!

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 00:25, 15 October 2011 by Heyoeveryone (Talk | contribs)

"That's what I'd like to see," The voice remarks, "Now shut up and go do something else. Like say... DYING."

You stare at the walkie talkie for a moment after he said those things. You really want to destroy it, but you know that if you do, something is likely going to happen and that includes you dying miserably. Maybe you should have said yes, what would have happened, would he kill you? Not likely, your 'one' of his first test subjects, and he wouldn't like to fail the first time around. As you continue to think these thoughts, the voice interrupts you.

"Yeah.. uh.. when I mean dying, I really meant something other than staring at the damn device."

You continue to glare, "Give me a moment, I'm just thinking."

"How about no."

You should probably stop now.

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