PAGNM: Tell Terrence you will dance naked on stage

From Create Your Own Story

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"I'll dance," you say. "Just for this one night, though."

"Excellent!" Terrence says. "Wait right here, I'll be back in a few minutes."

20 minutes later, he returns with an incredibly sexy-looking stripper's outfit. "Go ahead and put this on," he says. You remove your own clothes, which he carefully puts into a small duffel bag, and put on the tiny red panties, small bra, and very low-cut dress that ends at roughly your hips. "Wow," Terrence purrs. "You look very hot, Myra. Every guy here will be begging to join you on stage."

"Now what?" you ask.

"I'll handle it," says a voice. A woman steps into the room. "I'm Louise, Terrence's assistant. He told you about me, right?" You nod and extend your hand. "You must be Myra. Since you're the main attraction tonight, you don't go on until 9:00. Come with me and we'll pick out some music for you."

"You're on in one minute, Myra," Louise whispers. "You ready?"

You nod. "I guess."

"They'll love you," Louise purrs. "Okay, step on out."

You step onto the stage and begin writhing your body sexily to the first song. As you slowly remove your dress, the audience applauds and whistles lustily. You hear shouts of "Yeah, girl!", "What a hottie!", "Take it off, baby!" and more. Louise was right, the audience does love you!

When you remove your bra and then your panties, the audience really goes wild. Men -- and a couple of women -- in the first two or three rows are waving wads of cash in the air, screaming to be let on stage with you.

It's decision time...

Modesty -1 Partners:

None; you're still a virgin!

Condoms 0
Age 18

Click to start over: A portrait of an American Girl Named Myra


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