26 year old Policeman- Drive around casually

From Create Your Own Story

You had the next day off and since there was only a few of the windows that you wanted to sand down and paint varnish, you could afford to take it easy. You travel slowly along the roads, seeing many of the things you shouldn't really be seeing, but also you knew that there was no real stopping it. But out of habit you made mental notes, some time in the future you could look into the dealing and prostituting, but not now and not alone.

You wandering takes you into your street, as you approach your place, you notice a figure sprawled out on the sidewalk, half in and half out of the yard of the house opposite your own. Since the person is wearing a brown trenchcoat you can't really make out if it is a male or female. As you pull up next to the person, you realize that it's woman. You roll down your window and

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