25 (IE/BF) -- Have Sean spoon against you from behind as you both rest

From Create Your Own Story

You shift so that you're lying on your side.

"I like to be held," you tell Sean.

He shifts his position and drapes an arm over you as he nestles tightly against your body. You help guide his other arm to a comfortable spot.

"Like this?"

"Exactly like that." You turn off the light. "Close your eyes."

You wake to find the skinny white boy pressed even more firmly against you. He's sound asleep. You extricate yourself from his grip and do your morning routine.

Sean, deprived of your presence, stirs to life and follows your lead, then rejoins you in the bed.

You wrap your arms around the little cutie and nudge his head onto your massive chest. "You make a pleasant armful."

He smiles at you with his eyes.

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