120 Minutes Remain- Run at the door

From Create Your Own Story

Pushing the door yielded no result. Maybe if you put a bit more force in, the door might shift.
Still rubbing your arms, you walk backwards until you bump into something hard and metallic, the sink.
Taking a deep breath, you crouch down into a running position and sprint, at full pelt, at where you hope the door is.
Shoulder first, you smash directly into the door and it flies open, with surprisingly little resistance. As it bangs against the wall, you trip and sprawl to the ground on the other side of the door. You're free!
Immediately, you jump to your feet and expect, hope, to see the glaring light of the outside world. Or the welcome sight of another room where you could actually see and not be shrouded in the blindness of the dark.
Or even just a friendly face or someone who could explain where you are and how you got here.
What you don't expect to see is pitch blackness. It's no better than the room you were just in.
You feel bitter. Will this ever end? Are you doomed to roam the darkness forever?
You stand there, your breath coming in short bursts after the excitement of the last couple of moments.Now what...?

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