(Female Hitman) Offer Sarah Ffolkes An Apprenticeship

From Create Your Own Story

'Listen,' you say to the teenager you just raped. 'I have two choices in front of me. I can kill you, and you'll be quiet for the rest of your life. I won't be exposed.'

'I...' She spits out another drop of your juices, looking disgusted with herself. 'You raped me, but...' She nods to Ben Ffolkes. 'You killed that asshole. You're no better than he is, but for that... I won't tell on you. Just don't kill me.' She scampers to the far end of the room.

'But I won't work with you. I'm sorry, but... I can't work with someone like you. I won't work with... rapists.'

Fair enough, she's not accepting it. Still, what did you expect? You murder a teenage girl's father, force her to eat you out, then ask her to work with you? You are a crazy bitch. Still, you need to make a choice. You can kill her or leave her. Kill her, and you've got one more innocent on your hands. Spare her, and she might tell the police. What do you do?

|(Female Hitman) Murder Sarah Ffolkes||

|(Female Hitman) Go Home For Your Next Contract||.

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