Saya/Black Dress/2/Borias Hemilton/Bar/I'm making it my business

From Create Your Own Story

You get pissed but keep your temper, the look in your eyes however, makes them reconsider seeing you as a harmless woman when you say you're making it your business. They gulp and back down a bit, but one of them starts complaining anyway.

"But- he's cheating, there's no way he could've been winning all night otherwise" You frown. "So you just assume he's cheating because you can't beat him, yet you don't have the skills to actually find any evidence? That about correct?"

"well- I.." he starts in protest, but you cut him off with a glare. "get lost, loser". He bows his head in shame and leaves the inn quickly. The guy who was accused of cheating stands there with a huge smirk.

"I don't care if you were actually cheating, one way or another, you should know how to play the game without making your opponent want to kill you, so you're just as much to blame idiot#2" You say harshly, he cringes as if he's being scolded by his mom. "Now get lost, you've done enough gambling for the day, and be happy you're getting off this easy" he doesn't wait to be told twice and rushes out the door.

Having driven off the troublemakers, you suddenly realize everyone in the inn is quietly staring at you wide-eyed. You start to get a little flustered just as Jacob emerges from the crowd.

He smiles broadly and says "Thanks, Saya. If you hadn't been there, I'd have probably needed a new set of furniture again. Damn sailors always making trouble" He mutters a few curses under his breath as you walk back to the bar. The other people in the bar turn away and go on with their own business, you hear alot less drunks all of a sudden tough, guess you don't feel as drunk as before anymore either.

After chatting with Jacob for a bit more, you decide to leave the inn. It's starting to get late, so maybe you should head back and go to sleep. Then again, you do still have some time if you wanted to start some quick trouble..

You :

Head back home, you've had enough for one day

Go look for trouble

Health 90 Equipment:

Black Dress

Stamina 75
Mood Sobered up Inventory:

Mother's Katana, Full Black Leather Armor

Purse 150, 00, 00
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