"You can find me a room I can rest in... alone."

From Create Your Own Story

"OK, babe," Tommy says. "I guess it is a lot to handle."

He does something you can't see, and a moment later, Jack and Sally appear.

"Our newest member needs to rest," Tommy says.

Sally takes your hand. "Jack used to work with a company that sent him to the Sahara Desert on a 6-month tour, so that's how he got his name," she informs you. "As for me, you get 3 guesses why I'm called Suntan, and the first two don't count."

While she's talking, she and Jack have led you to a small chamber with a bed. "We'll fix you up properly later," Jack says. "You can rest here for now."

You lie down and fall asleep almost instantly. When you wake up, you're no longer in the chamber you lay down in. You're in a room the size of a small house, with a luxurious bed, a sink, shower the size of a small swimming pool, toilet, and dresser. Jack, Sally, Tommy, the redhead ["This is Gina, I don't know if you ever introduced yourselves," Tommy says as you look at her], and numerous others are standing by your bed.

"This is your new quarters," Sally says. "We've been waiting for you to wake up. We've got another... party... starting, and didn't want you to miss out."

You must look a little panicked at the thought of another orgy, because Gina quickly says, "If you're not up for it yet, that's OK. If you'd like, Tommy or I will join you in the shower instead. You can do the full party thing tomorrow, after you've settled in a little more."

Health Horny and Hormonal Location:

The Paradise House

MP 0
Level 1
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