Saya/Black Dress/2/Borias Hemilton/Mercenaries/greet them as an aristocrat

From Create Your Own Story

You decide to have some fun at his expense, taking your most aristocratic posture you reply as a real noble. Well, you actually ARE a noble offcourse, wich is why you had to learn to act like this. He obviously seems quite flustered and straightens up to the best of his ability. You highly doubt he's ever been addressed in a friendly manner by any noble before.

"My name is Kaleb, I'm the leader of this merc band, err.. nice to meet you" from the way he said that last part, you're guessing he's never said those words before and they sound totally out-of-place.

"so, um, do you think you can help us? the local doctor is unwilling to deal with mercs and the best we can manage is to patch em up with some bandages" Kaleb looks a little uncomfortable between trying to ask for help and not upsetting you by being crude, a huge battle hardened merc acting shy - So damn cute, you're sold.

You :

Examine the wounded mercs

Keep talking with him for a bit, this is fun

Health 90 Equipment:

Black Dress

Stamina 70
Mood Amused Inventory:

Mother's Katana, Full Black Leather Armor

Purse 150, 00, 00
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