"Liberty Ale."

From Create Your Own Story

"Good choice, friend," the bartender says. "All we have is Liberty Ale."

You drink the glass, then gag on it. It tastes horrible! When you are about to throw up, he says "I know you!"

You reply with, "No, No, I don't think so."

He shocks you with, "The news. I saw your face on the news. You're one of the Freeport 7 survivors, aren't you?"

Apparently the media has turned this into the next LNS Titanic. (The largest Liberty Dreadnought/Passanger Carrier after its decommission due to age ever. It was destroyed to a miscalculation in navigation. Despite notices of "Open Space", it flew into the Badlands, which damaged it severely, then, due to the damage, its engines exploded, sending it at 7000 km/h into the Zone-21 Minefield, destroying it completely. 12500 out of the 15547 people aboard died. The rest managed to disengage from the Titanic on miniscule lifepods and maneuvered out of the minefield. On a space station, where there are millions of people living on one, you can imagine this kind of disaster's magnitude.)

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