Your Choice/Go downstairs and eat breakfast

From Create Your Own Story

You get out of your bed and walk downstairs. You see your mom(Brianna) setting up the table. "Good morning, sweetie," your mom says. "Morning mom," you say back. You see your dad(Daniel) on the couch watching the news. "Good morning, champ," your dad says. "Good morning dad," you wave your hand at him. You sit down in your seat eating your pancakes and bacon. Your sister(Lucy) comes down the stairs in her purple panties and a white t-shirt. "How did you sleep, sis?" You ask. "Why thanks for asking little bro, I slept wonderfully!" She says excitedly. You finish your breakfast and you look to your left and see your skateboard. You stare at it and decide whether you should take your skateboard or take the bus or walk.

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