You decline, you could really use some coffee and there's an interesting study on brainwaves in class today

From Create Your Own Story

"Alright, well catch you later brainy." Tori grabs her purse and darts out the door.

You hurry to get ready and soon after find yourself in room 275, Neurology 101. You may not like the nickname brainy, but you sure do love all this stuff. Today you learn about alpha waves and beta waves.

As you sit down in your usual seat, your crush Geoff Hopper turns around in his seat a few rows down from you.

"Hey" He says.

You smile, "Hey--"

"Hey man, whats up?" Lucas Grainger answers from the row behind you.

You instantly turn red. He wasn't talking to you. You shove your face in a book.

Before you know it, it's 2:00. As your gathering your notes, you spot Geoff coming up the aisle.

Do you:

Book it. No use starting another fiasco, you've had enough embarrassment for one day.

Smile and say "hey." You only live once, right?

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