You dash around the thing on the ground to save the trapped creature

From Create Your Own Story

You dart toward the web, hoping that whatever is making the light can deal with the thing on the ground once it is freed. But quick as a flash the shapeless mass strikes out with a slithery limb and lashes itself around your ankles, pitching you forward onto the ground. You claw at the earth as it drags you toward it. You strain to grab the bottle of water where you dropped it, and empty the rest of the water onto the mass. It screams and hisses again, releasing a choking green gas that burns your lungs and clouds your vision. You have the agonizing sensation of being ripped in two, though you know you're still lying on the ground. Then the world goes black, and you panic as you feel yourself falling. When you open your eyes again it is dark, but for a vague red light flickering against the walls at a distance. It is damp, and you have the sense that you are far underground. A cave, or cavern of some kind, you guess. You sit up. What happened? Where are you? You look around but can see little in the darkness - only the dim outline of a boat which lies a few feet away. You guess there must be some kind of underground lake or river here, then. Perhaps you can take the boat and find a way out.

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