Yes, I would like to choose her.

From Create Your Own Story

"All right sir, if you would kindly follow me to the reception desk to fill out some forms..."

In a few minutes, you come back with the instructor. "Pauline, could you please come up here for a second?"

Pauline shyly walks up and stands next to the instructor.

"This is your new guardian. He will be taking you away from here to a new place where you will stay. All right?"

"Okay," she says in a small voice. Her accent sounds European, a bit Russian even.

"Sir, you are now her formal and legal guardian. Anything that happens to her is now your responsibility."

"I think I can manage that."

"Great! Good luck!" chirps the instructor.

What do you want to do now?

Health Horny Location:

The Dance Studio

MP 0
Level 3
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