With confidence, you agree to the witch's bargain

From Create Your Own Story

With a deep breath, you confidently say, "I trust them with my life, and I know their love for me is genuine. Remove my corruption to your hearts content, witch."

"I admire your confidence, orc. But, will it last?" the witch says, as she rests her hands on top of your mate's heads. She then start chanting in a strange language, and you hold your mate's hands tightly.

Isabelle and Miranda's bodies then glow in a radiant blue aura, and their faces light up. After a minute, the light dies, and the witch takes several steps back. Both Miranda and Isabelle look around, confusion running rampant in their faces. Your heart can't take much more of this, though you do trust them, the fear that they'll hate you is ever present.

"Ladies," the witch says, "Step forward and look upon the one who defiled your bodies, and impregnated you."

Both Miranda and Isabelle stand before you and look you over carefully. Their lust for you is completely gone, and you can hardly recognize them as the two mates you've grown to love over the past few months. They study every part of your body, very carefully deciding how they feel about this. They both then run their hands over their pregnant bellies, and you see tears run down their faces. You can't read their expressions at all. Are they happy, are they sad, are they angry? You can't tell.

The witch them comes between them, and rests her hands on their shoulders. "Well, ladies, how does this make you feel? This orc raped and tricked you into submitting yourselves to his desires. He made whores out of you. Sullied your bodies with his spawn. Took you from your friends and family. And defiled your bodies day after day, without pause."

Your two mates are silent for a painfully long moment, and every second they remain so is like pure torture. "I..." Isabelle finally speaks up. "I hate him..." your heart nearly shatters at those words, and the witch grins viciously in her victory. "But..." Isabelle continues. "I also love him... with all my heart."

Both you and the witch gasp in shock. "Are you certain?" the witch asks. "This is the orc who raped you. Does that not upset you?"

Isabelle nods. "Yes, I'm very upset that he raped me, but I've never been more certain that I do love him. It's true, I hate him for what he did to us, but he does love us. He has never shown any sign that that wasn't the case. And though I was influenced by his seed, his love and devotion to us simply rubbed off on me. I love this foul smelling, ugly orc. I can't imagine living my life now without him."

Isabelle then walks up to you, resting her hands on your chest, and kisses you. It's a genuine kiss, too. There is nothing false about it. No lust, no hate, just love. She really does love you.

"Good for you, orc." the witch says. "But, you're only half way there."

Before the witch can say another word, however, Miranda walks up to and slaps your face, before kissing you. This kiss is also genuine. Tears run down your cheeks, realizing that they both really do love you.

The witch sighs at the sight of them embracing you of their own free will. "Well, it seems that I lost. A pity. But, I am a witch of my word. I shall help you, orc. I could help you now, or later."

"Why later?" you ask.

"So you may enjoy your first love making session, of course." she says as she walks to her cabin.

"Wait." you say, and she stops. "That spell you used to free them from my cum's effects, is that... permanent?"

The witch smiles and simply says, "Yes." and then walks into her cabin.

Health Horny, mated to Isabelle and Miranda, scared arms Equipment:

mana tracker, armor, sword

Experience high, human impregnator
HP 100
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