Wish that the pixie had a dick

From Create Your Own Story

"Hey!" the pixie shouts.

A penis sticks out from between her legs where her pussy used to be. She stares down at the erect dick, then turns her eyes towards your new pussy and smiles wickedly. Before you can move, she's on top of you, poking her new dick against your cleft. You can't help groaning as she slides it inside you. She kisses you, invading your mouth with her tongue just like her prick invades your twat.

"That was a good wish...," the pixie murmurs.

That she starts sliding her dick in and out of you. You buck your hips up and down, meeting her thrusts. You run your hands up and down each other's bodies, kissing and moaning and thrusting. The unfamiliar muscles of your pussy work autonomically, gripping and releasing the fucking prick moving in and out of you. Being fucked like this feels so good... so very good.

The pixie arches her back, thrusting her breasts forward, and cries out. You feel her penis swell up inside you and spurt hot cum into your pussy. You scream as your twat goes into wild spasms. You lock your legs around the pixie's waist and cum hard.

"Oh, fuck...," the pixie says. "Hey. Still hard."

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