Wink at some of the jocks watching football.

From Create Your Own Story

A couple of the guys catch your furtive glances at them while you pretend that you can't find your wallet in your backpack. One of them gets goaded on by the others, and he finally comes to your aid.

"Hey, don't worry about it," he says, taking a closer look at you. Your jacket's unzipped and he takes a long look at the cold nipples sticking against your shirt. "You look like you could use some help. I'm Leonne."

"Thanks," you smile at him. You're not picky with looks, but the guy's fairly handsome, and you end up dropping your bag and spilling your notebook out, your erotic drawing with it.

Leonne gets down to pick it up, seeing your drawing among the loose pages. "You did this?" he asks with surprise.

You nod proudly.

"Damn, that's pretty good," he says. "Not because of the sex, I mean that's nice, but you've got some skills with art. Is that what you do?"

"Hobby, really," you tell him. "I can't think up anything original, so I just use my friends and what I see in the mirror."

Leonne starts to smile. "Is that your kind of thing?"

"Since you bought me dinner, I think you can find out."

Status Bar
Health 95 Equipment:

Skate Board, Backpack and Notebook, Brown Windbreaker, erotic drawing, beers and soda, $50

Status cold and curious
Gender Female
Social Group Skater
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