What's changed in the two years I've been out?

From Create Your Own Story

YOU: I've noticed a lot of changes. New Headshot system, physics, linear corridors, AMMO... What the hell happened?

THE ILLUSIVE MAN: A lot has changed since you got knocked out of the game, Shepard. There's been a critical widespread shortage of RPG elements, possibly due to Reaper attacks- meaning that battle technology has had to come a long way. For one, the Alliance perfected new "Thermo Clip" technology to prevent overheating, a simple ammo system that was soon put into every single gun in the universe in under two years. It works a lot better. More speed.

YOU: ...Better? I can't physically shoot a gun without ammo, how is that better than having it overheat?

THE ILLUSIVE MAN (ignoring you): A company known as "Chest high walls Incorporated" has also risen to power, quickly managing to flood the galaxy with its product by targeting a much-needed Niche market.

YOU: Oh come on.

THE ILLUSIVE MAN: More importantly, instead of buying armor fully-made, new advances have allowed modern soldiers to entirely customize their armor and weapons with bits and pieces of stuff they find lying around on the battlefield- one of the many new innovations to make sure soldiers get less lumbered down. We got rid of the mass-effect-powered Infinite Pockets they used to carry around their infinite amounts of guns, armor and grenades in, too. Soldiers had to drag a giant wardrobe around with them to store all the suits of armor, then sort through all of them to get the right one in the middle of a battle- it was just inefficient. We were running out of wardrobes.

YOU: Seriously? No inventory?

THE ILLUSIVE MAN: Yup. The demands of "On-the-go" soldiery have also led to the development of a simpler, centralized level up system with the minimum of big numbers. Oh, and you don't have grenades anymore. They all disappeared. Freak grenade genocide incident. Very tragic.

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