
From Create Your Own Story

You know the bus schedule would have you wait about hour before one would arrive, and the taxis are unreliable so you decide to walk.

You've made this journey hundreds of times, you cut across the old industrial site, which is no more than a barren tract of land with a few falling down buildings. The walk usually takes you twenty minutes but as you’re a little unsteady on your heels it takes a little longer, eventually you reach the wall at the end. It was a problem you had not foreseen, a five foot wall that stretches along the boundary screening it off from the road and the shopping mall beyond.

Normally it was no problem as you simply climbed over and across the road in a few seconds, but dressed as you are there would be no chance. You know to your right, there is a gap it would be a tight squeeze and you may damage what you are wearing, you could go back trying your luck to get onto a bus, or you could go left, even though your mom has told you to stay clear of the train tracks as they're too many dangers there.

DO you?

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