Wait and see what Danny has in store for you tonight

From Create Your Own Story

You are drifting through darkness, floating weightless in an inky black void. Slowly you realize you are not quite awake, but coming out of unconsciousness; you must have passed out for some reason. You try to sit up, but some unseen force holds your body down. With a note of frustration you realize again that you are still not fully awake. Focusing your will, you try to start yourself awake, and for a moment it seems to work – you sit up and look around and can see that you are in a dark room with very little light. You notice a man stooped over you with his cock in his hand to your right and you try to call out to him, but your voice does not work. Regardless, the man turns to look at you and it is then that you see it is not a man at all, but a smoky silhouette of shadow in vaguely a man-like shape. The thing sets upon you in a flash and you feel a smothering presence overpowering you in the darkness, wrapping you up, holding you down, trying to invade your ass. In panic you jolt awake – this time for real.

The first thing you notice is a sharp stabbing pain in your ass. Reaching up, you feel your hair matted with cum and then grimace as you run your fingers down to your butt hole of what must surely be a serious rape wound. Part of your sphincter has actually been torn inside out and hangs in a bloody mess between your cheeks. You are not bleeding from the wound very much – fortunately it seems to have clotted – but you definitely should get it seen by a medical professional sooner than later…

It occurs to you that you should probably find something to bandage your ass with. You consider for a moment trying to use your shirt as a makeshift bandage. It seems to work in the movies. Checking your purse, you find some tampons upon looking inside.

Thinking back, you try to remember how you could have arrived in such a predicament, but you can’t get past the pain in your ass. Your memory is all cloudy from the drugs.

The shower is running and it appears to be occupied by your captor. It would probably be best to get out now before your captor returns.

Do you:

You are possessing:
Asian Geek Girl
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