WAS: Travel to the battlefield in the east with your slaves

From Create Your Own Story

A month passes. You avoid the major roads to avoid the soldiers hunting you. But once inside the war torn Ugarit the roads get a bit easier. Your destination is Trellingblad, a Ugarit city under siege by Hystardium. It’s an old, well defended city and the siege has been going on for over a year. Rumor has it the defenders are giving up hope, but that could only be a rumor because Trellingblad is the last fortified city before the capital and an end to the war.

Arriving at the encampment some guards approach you. They are probably there to find out why you are here and since you intend on mercenary it shouldn’t be any problems. The guards are all shirtless and in true Hystardium fashion wears an angry smirk on their faces. Helena and Lyna covers up behind you. Their reactions aren’t in any way overreactions with the children of Hysta’s fearsome reputation. Especially since they wear the reveling cloths of an sex slave which only covers the crotch area and breasts. But an history lesson on these people has to wait for another time.

The apparent leader of the group approaches you. You are considered tall among most people of the world but to the children of Hysta you are about average. The group leader seems disturbed by this fact. Although it’s hard to read the face of any children of Hysta you can swear he enjoys looking down on foreigners. Everyone of his people always wears a stern expression making them hard to read but his very aura emits hatred of you. Your built is also about the same, it is said that due to genetic reasons the children of Hysta are born well trained with bulging muscles all over their body, you on the other hand have trained to reach your level of fitness. The guard leader finally decides to say something.

“State your business” He says plainly even for a child of Hysta.

“Mercenary” You respond trying to match the underlying tone of hatred in his voice. He points to the west where several tents are located. “The mercenary have their camps there, your loot is your pay.” You nod in response but keep your eyes on him. For a moment it’s like a meeting between a wolf and a lion. The two of you stare at each other. Sizing each other up, trying to discover each others strengths and weaknesses. The other guards notice this and bring their hands to the hilt of their swords as if expecting trouble. Helena and Lyna gets terrified and embraces one another, looking for shelter in each other’s arms.

“What is your name foreigner?” He asks and you respond. “I am Faust” He in turn responds “I am Acrom” and then leaves.

Your slaves breathe a sigh of relief as you turn around to face them. “Never show fear to these people, how does that reflect on to me? Do you want these people to think me a man who cannot control his own property? If you do then I will personally have you flogged to death” Helena and Lyna are terrified by your words, they do not know who are the worst, you or the children of Hysta. You head to the mercenaries part of the encampment and ponder on your next meeting with this Acrom.


At the mercenaries encampment things are more friendly. Despite being mostly outlaws from different cultures there is an sense of unity among the mercenaries. Probably because they all live next to the fabled children of Hysta. Your slaves set up the tent while you ponder on what to do next. In your backpack you have a large book describing all the cultures and people of the world. Despite being heavily involved in military life you are also an student of the world. You have read the book several times but maybe you should reread the chapter on the children of Hysta and Hystardium. Otherwise you could report to the mercenaries commander to get a feel on how things are going or you could have a look at the city walls.

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