Victim: Willingly suck the jittery man's dick.

From Create Your Own Story

You look from the man to your father and back to the man, letting your situation sink in. You have no hope of escaping past both of them, and you know what your father is capable of. Reservedly, you reach up and insert the man's dick into your mouth.

It feels warm and hard, yet also curiously soft. You have never actually touched a dick before: your father always handled his own business over your face at night. It has very little taste, but when you run your tongue across his tip you get a taste of something salty.

"Oooh!" the man exclaims, putting his hand on your head. "V-very, very nice..."

He was correct when he said you had never sucked a dick before. You had simulated it with your vibrator a few times, but a vibrator cannot tell you have it feels. You knew the old cliche was to not use your teeth, and so as you bob your head back and forth, thrusting the man's dick into your mouth for him, you are sure to cover your teeth with your lips.

This continues for some time, with the neighbor making excited noises and your father passively looking on. Eventually he stiffens and thrusts his dick deep into your mouth, holding your head in place with both hands. You know what is coming and that you have no hope to change it, so you simply lick your tongue feverishly against his opening and give him as much pleasure as possible.

A burst of semen fills your mouth, and it is all you can do to keep from choking on it as it sprays into your throat as well. The man gets dressed quickly and rushes out of the basement, thanking your father along the way.

You turn to your father, now, with a mouth full of semen that you do not know what to do with.

"Swallow," he growls.

Gender Female <- Equipment ->
Age 14 Nothing
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