VRX 9000: Sex Games / Use Arcane Torrent: Summon Beast (3)

From Create Your Own Story

VRX 9000: Sex Games

The Ayumi Adventures: Invading the Cult

Quest 1: The Mazrim Cult


You decide that this isn't the way you need to start off this quest into the caves. As a prisoner? No, you'd rather keep your dignity. Let alone seduce this guard. How desperate would you be to resort to that so quickly? You have no doubt you could do it, you are wearing practically nothing at the moment as you've seen him check you out a few times already. But you want these cultists to respect you, even fear you. They have something you want, and you are going to take it back no matter what they do. It is best they learn to fear your magic sooner rather than later. And that means that you don't show any weakness. Being tied up by a single guard is weakness and it is time to remedy that. You concentrate, your eyes turning blue for just a moment as you summon up all your magical energy in one burst.


Arcane Torrent Used. Summon Beast Used.


A magical aura is clearly seen around you as suddenly from thin air a large beast rips through the fabric of space and lunges out before you, all teeth and claws and fur with a beastial rage. The guard immediately takes a step back, eyes wide with horror, and tries to raise his crossbow. He is too late, firing it blankly as the beast jumps into him easily bashing him to the floor. The next second the beast is on top of him clawing and biting and tearing and you hear the shrieks of the guard getting killed behind you. You would maybe of spared his life if you had the choice but you never mess with the alignment of a summon. They do as they will or they resent you for it. When the guard is killed the beast walks back to you, easily snapping off the rope around you. With a smile you pet it for a moment before putting your robe back on and grab your staff. Fear, you can do fear. The blood dripping from your beasts maw is horrifying enough.

When you finally are done you stand next to your beast proudly before looking forward. You are no longer alone. The strange metal door before the turn of the tunnel has opened and two women have stepped out to watch your spectacle. You should of known you would draw more attention as you hear many footsteps running from down the tunnel. Likely more guards. The two women are what give you pause however. One is a beautiful but cruel looking woman with long flowing purple hair, nice black garb that is a step up from the cultists, and strange yellow eyes. She is eying you with apparent interest with a smile playing on her lips, seemingly powerful but you can't put your finger on why. The other is a strangely beautiful woman with long raven hair and a very revealing outfit that almost makes you blush. She seems rather annoyed at being disturbed, but is hiding it for some reason. She has a magical aura, almost as strong as yours, and yet is obviously the lesser of the two.


Boss Character Revealed - Katelin

The woman has a very attractive body, with large breasts and skinny hips. She carries a large black whip and looks like she knows how to use it. She looks very dangerous, the evil alignment easy to spot on her. She constantly wears a smile, as if she knows something that you do not. She is obviously a spoiled woman used to getting her way. In any case, she does not look trust worthy and is obviously a higher ranked cultist.


Special Character Revealed: Katelin's Apprentice - Zuna

With revealing black garb and a small, slender frame, the woman would look friendly if she wasn't dressed the way she was. Her eyes give away a bit of mischief and she seems like she doesn't have a care in the world. She is also strangely enough not wearing the standard cultist marks. The woman is also obviously some sort of apprentice, docile enough to be subservient to someone while disciplined enough to know some kind of craft. She carries a whip and likes to play with it idly as if she is just learning it's secrets. Around her you get a false sense of security.


You stand next to your massive beast unafraid, watching about a dozen guards pile up behind the two magic users. Katelin seems amused if anything, watching you without a glance at your beast. Zuna looks a little annoyed but after studying you a bit looks awfully interested. The guards are mostly eying the beast and the dead guard next to it. So you have made your spectacle, let these cultists fear you. Guards are nothing, their cult is nothing before your wrath. The mistress Katelin is the one to speak finally, obviously the one in charge. "Welcome to our lair, Mage. With brutality like that I'm surprised you are not already one of us."

Eying them all over carefully you just regard her without expression. "I'm not fond of people that try to stop me, but your guard decided to take me into custody for some reason. I had to show him he had made a mistake." Your eyes gleam at that, the guards muttering to each other, fear creeping in.

Katelin just looks at you unphased, her knowing smile still lingering. This woman is hard if anything, and her power... you get the feeling this is a woman even you don't want to mess with. "Fair enough, I suppose I'll let that be his punishment. What do you want here mage? Do you want to talk, you probably should. You are helplessly outnumbered." the guards have started to move to surround you then, making a small crescent around your front. Katelin isn't done though, turning to her apprentice. Her hand lights up and suddenly the apprentice's eyes fly open, a circle of purple magic surrounding her neck cutting off her air. She falls to her knees gasping for breath instantly, hand sprawled in front of her. "If you will talk, I offer you my apprentice as a gift. I would hate to kill someone as skilled with the arts as yourself." She gives you an amused look then and you have no doubt she would really mean to kill you if you resist. The guards are closing in and your beast growls. She has given you respect, and a gift. She knows how to play to you sympathies. Interesting.


What do you do?


Current Status: 100% - Normal

Current Items: Mage Robe, Magical Staff

Current Alignment: (8/20) - Neutral

Main Quest: Find the Heirloom

Side Quests: None


Spell Casting - Suggestion: x2

Arcane Torrent: x0

Summon Beast: x1

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