VRX 9000: Sex Games / Scenario A

From Create Your Own Story

VRX 9000: Sex Games

The Winter Cabin: Multiplayer

Battle Royale: Part 1


The game finally starts and all the girls move at once. Because you've selected 'Scenario A', the girls are situated around the couches as follows. On the southern couch from west to east are Alyssa, Lena, Kinsey. On the east couch from south to north are Mindy, Melissa, Dana. On the north couch from east to west are Rebecca, Hillary, Cameron. On the west couch from north to south are Kelsey, Amanda, Leslie.

Everyone jumps up and it is a blur of movement and yelling as the girls shove past each other and yell at each other and everyone tries to do everything at once. On the south couch Lena already has her plan ready and has thought it out carefully. In the middle of the couch she has to go for someone. Then, between Kinsey and Alyssa, her best bet was on taking Alyssa. Kinsey's best friend at the cabin was lucky enough to be right next to her, going that direction would be risky. Right as the game starts Lena leaps up faster than anyone and shoves Alyssa back down hard following with a knee to the stomach to pin her down. Lena isn't going to play around.

As Lena predicted, Mindy runs for the main hallway with Kinsey tight on her heels taking the first doors on their left. They slam and lock the door behind them inside the southern bedroom with the king sized bed. The two are good friends and will work together for now.

On the north couch Hillary is thinking a lot along the same lines as Lena being in the middle and chooses Cameron over Rebecca to jump on. Hillary is the strongest girl here so she has quite a bit of confidence in taking someone one and one. Cameron doesn't stand a chance. She tries to escape but at the end rolls over desperately and tries to kick at Hillary to no avail. Cameron is a scrapper but Hillary is too fast and too strong and already has the upper hand. It only takes moments before Hillary is reaching for the center of the table for items to subdue Cameron more permanently.

Next to her Rebecca flees immediately for the kitchen just glad to not have been picked by Hillary. Luckily, as she passes that way she sees Dana and Melissa start to fight and gets away scot free without anyone noticing her. She quickly disappears into the hallway past the kitchen on the east wall.

Melissa and Dana are at each other's throats, clawing and tearing at each other. Both are somewhat smaller girls, but Dana was somewhat smaller than even Melissa. And she is just defending herself. Melissa had originally wanted to go for Mindy, but upon seeing the luck of her being next to her good friend Kinsey she knew that going for her wasn't the best option. Which left her Dana, who assumed Melissa wasn't going for her after her looks at Mindy. Now Dana was fighting to fend off the crazy redhead and not get captured with a fair amount of success.

Meanwhile, Lena and Alyssa continue to struggle back and forth, Alyssa surprisingly strong but Lena just has too much of a better position. After a good deal of back and forth Lena finally manages to grab some rope from the table and slip them around Alyssa's struggling wrists and pin them behind her back with a bit of extra rope hanging down. Then with a sly move Lena lets Alyssa get up just briefly enough to let Lena slip the rope underneath her then shoves Alyssa back down who can't defend herself without her hands. With the rope between Alyssa's legs now all Lena has to do is pull up tightly and the startled expression and cry of surprise from Alyssa as the rope pulled up snuggly between her legs was enough to let Lena know she had her.

On the west couch it is a battle ground. Each of the three girls all have different plans that involved each other. Leslie wants to escape, but Amanda wants to take her as she is obviously the smaller of her two targets. So as Leslie runs for it Amanda grabs her loose t-shirt and drags her back. Unfortunately seeing Amanda turn away makes Kelsey think it is her opportune time to grab Amanda and does so. With Leslie struggling to escape with surprising strength for a girl her size and Kelsey pulling her arms back Amanda finally lets go making Leslie hit the ground hard taking a few breaths before scrambling up past Lena and Alyssa to get away.

Amanda immediately turns on Kelsey but Kelsey has the superior position and already has her arms behind her back. Amanda is bigger and stronger but Kelsey has a better position. But not a good enough one to actually take Amanda they both realize. Amanda quickly makes Kelsey understand she won't get her and that they should team up after Leslie. Kelsey thinks about it for just a brief moment before agreeing and letting go and the two jump off the couch racing after Leslie. Amanda goes down the main hall while Kelsey runs for the west hallway seeing where Leslie is running.

Desperately wanting to get away Leslie runs into the northern bedroom on the west side with the bunk beds and quickly slams and locks the door behind her just in time to see Amanda approaching the door. Leslie however forgets about the hallway door staring at Amanda banging on the hallway door. Kelsey sneaks up on Leslie and shoves her onto a bunk bed before racing forward to unlock the door for Amanda. Amanda is in the room before Leslie can recover and as she runs for the hallway door the two girls grab her and throw her back onto the bottom bunk. There is a bag of items which they find on the same lower bunk which they open to find quite a bit of rope and a few other fun toys. The two quickly move to strip Leslie and tie her up despite her protests.

Meanwhile the struggle between Dana and Melissa finally came to the end as Melissa finally shifts her weight to be on top and gets a good hold of Dana. Gripping her short hair hard in her fist Melissa holds her down and manages to grab some handcuffs from the table. Not long after in her superior position Melissa manages to handcuff Dana and looks down over her prize greedily.


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