VRX 9000: Sex Games / Right Card (RR).

From Create Your Own Story

VRX 9000: Sex Games

Random Adventures - Bondage Lisa

Part 1: The Card Game


Card Flip:

You choose the right card and Lisa flips the two over. It looks like you have chosen the lower card and Lisa gets to make an advance on you.


The Story:

You flip the card then immediately pout and look at Lisa with a pleading look. "But I'm the..."

Lisa immediately slides forward and puts a hand over your mouth with a laugh, muffling the next words. "No no, you are not getting out of this!" She laughs, taking her hand away when you stop talking and just pout more. "I win again! Hah!" She grins, then looks over you with a smile pleased with herself.

"You don't have to rub it in!" You frown making Lisa just roll her eyes. "So what are you going to do to me?" You say a little worried not liking the twinkle in Lisa's eyes.

The small blonde girls just grins, then gets up and walks into her closet and digs around for a bit. When she comes out she drags a large box with her setting it next to the bed and then pulls out some rope and some black leather cuffs. "I'm going to restrain you of course. Haven't you even looked at bondage on the internet while watching porn?" She teases just making you blush some more. You hardly pay attention to her words however, more focused on the leather cuffs and rope. You are a little nervous to say the least. "Now lay down in the middle of the bed." Lisa orders and you plop down on your back a few seconds later trying not to be a sore loser.

Lisa makes herself busy then, attaching the surprisingly comfortable leather cuffs tightly around both your ankles and your wrists. You try to ask what she is going to do but she just puts a single finger to your lips and shakes her head with that beautiful smile of hers. Just frowning you let her continue, Lisa tying the rope to your cuffs before stretching out your left arm tying the rope at the corner head of her bed not letting you retract it. You struggle slightly when she goes for your right one trying to also restrain it stretched out above your head to the right. "I'm not sure about this." You whine, looking up at her with your best puppy-dog eyes. You feel all the more vulnerable naked.

"Sorry slave, but you are mine now. Stop resisting so I don't have to punish you for being bad." Lisa chides making you stick your tongue out at her. You do stop resisting however and Lisa manages to restrain your arm along with your legs in an eagle position naked on the bed. She then giggles looking down at your displeased expression then goes to sit right on your hips straddling you and looks down with a grin. "I like this game." She says with a big shit-eating smile. She grins then, pulling out the next two cards and rests them both on your stomach. "So, which card, slave?" She says, emphasizing the last word making you start to worry a bit. You get the impression that if you lose too many times this will turn into a bdsm session instead of a game. You look between the two cards nervously for the first time trying to decide which to choose.


Which card do you pick?

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