From Create Your Own Story
Things I'm currently working on:
- SW:TCES's The Clone Wars: Barriss Offee Jedi Temple storyline. Simple but cute.
- SW:TCES's KOTOR II: Male Exile storyline, Exile's Epic Quest for Poontang. Still on a workbench phase since the elements of the story (yeah, it's gonna have a real story!) are a bit spread around. My most ambitious Choose your Own Adventure story yet where your choices do actually matter.
- A humorous R-rated Star Wars adventure I'm currently translating to English.
- Mass Effect: Normandy Nights. I'm having big plans for that poor, abandoned story. So much wasted potential… Well, lucky for me, I can do pretty much everything by myself.
- SW:TCES's Star Wars Rebels storylines. I'm still completely undecided whether I ever start actually writing them, I already have so many things on my plate, but I do have a few plans for our beloved heroes and villains…
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