Use the Megastore(40 (IE/WF)

From Create Your Own Story

You decide to head for the megastore and you are just getting into the car when you get a call from Big D asking you to pick him up, you tell him you're headed to the store and will pick him up on the way back, but he tells you he could do with a few things so you swing by and pick him up.

When you set off in the direction of the megastore he seems surprised but you assure him there's a few things you need the local store doesn't provide and when you arrive he tells you he'll meet you by the car in an hour, using the list you had made the previous day you grab the groceries you need straight away, you then go to the pharmacy and pick up a few douches and after reading the label, which promised to make intercourse smoother and more enjoyable, a sexual lubricant after finishing your shop you head back to the car and sit in it waiting for Big D to return.

You sit patiently in the car your mind wandering about the events of the last few days and what maybe happening over the next week you work it out in your head and you're not expecting your husband and son back for seven days at the earliest, the thought makes you nervous and excited at the same time. When the car door opens Big D jumps in and you set off home. You've only traveled ten minutes down the road when he asks you to make a slight detour, doing as he directs you eventually find yourself in a wooded area where he directs you up a short lane to a clearing when you stop the car he gets out and moves around to your side of the car opening the door for you. He takes you by the arm and pulls you out of the the car, you're jammed against the seat belt momentarily but you manage to unbuckle it as he pulls you free of the car.

"Careful Big D that hurt."

"What you told me last night is that true?"

You rack your brains trying to remember what you said to him. "I said a lot of things last night."

"You told me you have always fantasized about becoming the sexual plaything of a dominant alpha male."

It had been a fantasy of yours for a long time now and even the you were thinking it several times yesterday during your marathon sex session you hadn't thought you had voiced it verbally. He stands looking at you waiting for an answer the smell of his sweat in your nostrils nearly as intoxicating as the thought of having your deepest darkest fantasy coming true.

"Yes it's true."

He grabs your hair pulling your head back back before kissing you hard on the lips his tongue invading your mouth with little resistance, when he pulls away he looks down at you.

"Okay for the next week I'm going to fuck you when and how I want, you will be naked at all times unless I tell you to put something on, if we are out and about like we are now you get to wear a pair of shoes and a dress nothing else, understood?"

You nod meekly at him his words and tone have filled you with a mixture of fear and excitement.

"Take off your dress and remove your bra and panties then."

His words stun you for a second. "But I can remove them without taking my dress off."

"I'm sure you can, but it's not what I asked you to do is it?"

Do you?

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