Use demonic energy to attack the werewolf

From Create Your Own Story

You summon all of your demonic energy for this battle. Your eyes glow bright red with blood lust. The werewolf cocks its head to the side as it stares at you. You move closer and so does the werewolf.

The true size of the beast is made more apparent as it draws near. It is at least two feet taller than you, and its jaws look like they belong to a grizzly bear.

When it is only a few feet from you, the battle begins. It swipes a claw at you, but you quickly jump beneath its legs, dodging the attack with your superior agility, and land behind the beast.

It turns to face you and is met with a full force kick to the groin. You get behind the beast again while it is recovering and jump on its back!

You are careful to avoid its powerful jaws as you put it in a sleeper hold. It viciously shakes back and forth, trying to shake you off, but you have the strength of ten men and keep your grip even though your feet are off the ground. It takes all of your demonic strength to hold on. It falls face forward to the ground with you on its back.

It shrinks as it reverts to human form.

You let go of the man and roll him onto his back. Your host is very attracted to this man. He could easily be a male model. He has a nice-sized cock too.

What should you do?

If you shift into him you might be able to seduce Krystal.

If you wake him up you might make a new friend. It's awfully lonely out here.

If you smash his head with a rock you will be much safer. You don't think you have the strength to fight it again if it transforms back into a werewolf.

Do you:

You are possessing:
Nude Asian Geek Girl
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