Triforce/Deku tree- gotta get the sword!
From Create Your Own Story
You don't really remember where to find the sword... but you think it was from inside the Deku tree? You decide to check it out.
You take off running down the pathway that leads through the trees to the Great Deku tree. Suddenly, you hear a voice from behind you.
"Link!" You turn around to see Saria, chasing to catch up.
"Saria come on!" you say. "We have to find a sword!"
"Wait- a sword? For what?"
"To show Mido- so I can leave the forrest." Saria giggles.
"You don't need a sword to get by Mido," she says. "You just need permission from the Great Deku tree." You frown at her. She laughs. "Silly boy. Come on- we'll go together and ask permission from the Great Deku tree." She takes your hand, leading you along the path.