Tries to plead with Samantha to stop, saying she'll do anything

From Create Your Own Story

Condition Exhausted, Embarrassed, Topless, And Her Ass Is Red And Stinging Apparel and Items: Hopefully White Panties with Red Hearts
Day, Time Thursday, Immediately After School
Need to Bathroom Only a Little
Level of Humiliation Extremely Humiliated And Worried Out of Her Mind That It Will Get Worse

"No please Samantha!" Katie pleaded as she felt two hands slip under the waistband of her panties, the last thing she was wearing.

"Why shouldn't I?" Samantha asked, slipping the material down several inches so that the top half of her ass was peaking out.

"No no no! I'll do anything not to be naked! PLEASE!!!" Katie's language broke down in desperation.

"Hmm..." Samantha hummed as she let Katie's panties slip down even more, now revealing her pubic hair and even more of her jiggly ass.

Rounding the corner, Katie was finding it VERY hard to keep her panties from riding down even more as her state of nudity hinged on Samantha. The coaches were still busy talking about who knows what and more cheerleaders were beginning to walk out of the locker room and join them. The girls joining them, ran immediately over to their group and giggled as they saw the rookie already half-naked. Katie could hear them laughing at her big butt and her barely covered breasts (since all Katie had were her arms.)

"Anything?" Samantha asked, her thumbs fingering the panties' waistband.

"Well, maaaaayyyyyybbbbbbb....... YES!" Katie exclaimed as Samantha suddenly pulled up, causing a massive wedgie.

"Ok then, you can keep them." Samantha told her "But you have to come with us to the bathroom. Comon girls."

Samantha and three of her friends starting running to the locker room, dragging Katie with them. Katie gulped as the entire cheerleader team got a good look at her barely clothed body. The girls were nearly to the locker room doors when one of the coaches yelled to them.

"Hey! Where are you going!?"

"We're showing Katie the locker room, plus she needs a drink coach!" one of the girls responded.

"Alright, but be quick the woman responded.

"How did you?..?" Katie whispered in question to how they so easily left the warmup.

"Cat is a good friend of Mrs. Hawthorne's daughter, that's how." Samantha explained as they entered the locker room.

"So what are we doing in here?" Katie asked, still covering her pale boobs.

"Strip her." Samantha told her friends.

Before Katie could react, two girls grabbed her panties and pulled them down, a third lifted Katie off the floor. Next Samantha swiped the panties and slipped them under her own. Katie immediately went red and lowered an arm to cover her pubic region. Her own hair poking through her fingers. The girls who stripped her laughed and slapped her butt hard.

"They're like jello!" one exclaimed as they gave her red cheeks another round of spanks.

"What are you doing!?" Katie demanded, putting her backside up against a wall after getting away from the girls.

"Take this and put plenty in both." Samantha told her lieutenant, handing her a bottle.

Katie gulped as the girls grabbed her again, but this time they pulled her over to a bench. At the bench they pulled her down and had to lay down, face first on the wood with her legs spread. Katie tried to resist, but the experienced athletes were much too strong. The next thing Katie knew, the third girl's fingers were pushing in and out of her vagina leaving some sort of oil behind. She didn't know how to respond to the feeling, but it didn't feel good. After a minute or so of that, the girl forced her fingers into her tight ass. Katie yelped from the pain as more of the gelatinous substance was applied. By the time the third girl was done, Katie had oil oozing out her ass and vagina.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Katie demanded loudly.

"What sizes?" she heard Samantha ask her cohort.

Katie couldn't hear the response, but she was barely able to see a look of surprise on Samantha's face as she said "Really? That big?"

The girl who put the oil in her nodded with a smile. Samantha disappeared for a second and then reappeared with a small tool kit. Only it wasn't normal tools inside, in fact there were some MASSIVE cylindrical items in the bag in addition to some strange looking beads connected by string.

"These are what are called 'dildos', 'butt-plugs', and 'anal beads'." Samantha explained showing off the large cylinders, strange shaped ace-like plugs, and the beads on the string, all of varying sizes.

"Now I'm going to choose which ones you get to have for practice everyday for the rest of the year according to the answer to your answer." Samantha told Katie, who responded in response.

"So... How much do you like the team?" Samantha simply asked.

"I..." Katie began "like it."

"Hmm." Samantha responded, taking away the smallest of each type of 'toy.'

"What are you doing?" Katie asked innocently.

"You see, the more you lie, the bigger the 'toy' will be that you get to use. Answer honestly and you will even get to choose!" Samantha explained,

Katie gulped, this could be difficult to bullshit the girl who had her tied down naked.

Katie is Convincing, Only One of the Smaller 'Toys' Will Be Used

Katie is Unconvincing, She Gets One of the Larger 'Toys'

Katie Utterly Fails to Be Convincing, She Gets Two Extra Large, Special Vibrators

Katie is humiliated a bit more before the final choice

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