The Grand Arena / View the Crimson Arena

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The Grand Arena

All of the hottest women around the world have come to compete in a contest that is potential the hardest but most rewarding of them all. A competition of strength, will, and most of all sexuality. These women each think they have what it takes to get to the end and win. The girls are to enter a large temple designed as a maze and face many challenges on their way to the center. The first girl to the center claims dominance over the others and claims them all as her sex slaves.

The girls starting off have been split into thirteen teams of five, sixty five girls in all. The girls were split up evenly and fairly giving each team girls that compliment each other. The teams are as follows:

Team 1: -Clair [1] -Bianca [2] -Morrigan [3] -Heather [4] -Yuffie [5]

This team is not votes as one of the strongest teams in any aspect, but it has some very good qualities. Morrigan is a strong leader and likely to fill that role, while Yuffie and also Clair have plenty of capabilities for getting through challenges. The only downfall to this team is that they have baggage in the form of Heather and Bianca. The two don't have any specific talents that can help support the team through the challenges ahead. But Heather is a fighter and Bianca is quite the looker. Most people are curious to see where this team ends up.

Competitiveness: A Compatibility: C Hottness: B Intelligence: A

Team 2: -Robin [6] -Lili [7] -Mai [8] -Jennifer [9] -Orihime [10]

Voted one of the teams to most watch out for, this time has plenty of promise in the temple. Mai is one of the strongest competitors in the tournament likely to lead the team through challenges readily. Also, the team has Robin and Lili which are both relatively smart women capable of getting the group through the best path through intelligence and surpassing puzzles easily. The only problem with the team is that there is no clear leader, which might come to bite them in the future. The two with aspirations are Lili and Mai. Orihimi and Jennifer are good followers, making the group well put together if a leader manages to take over.

Competitiveness: C Compatibility: B Hottness: A Intelligence: A

Team 3: -Laura [11] -Rikku [12] -Cara [13] -Bonny [14] -Kasumi [15]

As the third team, this team has a relatively strong team for challenges and physical encounters. Kasumi is one of the top contenders in this area, only second to people like Mai or Reiko. But behind her is Bonny, an experienced fighter along with Rikku who can handle herself in a scrape just fine. No to mention all of her other usefull abilities towards the group. Cara and Laura are not specifically strong in any suite, but neither are they bad. This is one of the more solid teams out there.

Competitiveness: A Compatibility: A Hottness: B Intelligence: C

Team 4: -Reiko [16] -Samantha [17] -Vanilla [18] -Hina [19] -Sarah [20]

This team has a strong group connection and will likely work well together. All of the girls have similar ideals and attitudes so their teamwork should be impressive. Along with two strong challenge competitors with Reiko and Sarah they have a good chance towards challenges. However, the other three girls, while get along well with everyone, don't give any particular strength to the group and will need to be carried. This might be possible however with good teamwork and one of the best competitors in the game; Reiko.

Competitiveness: C Compatibility: A Hottness: B Intelligence: A

Team 5: -Sephiroth [21] -Maya [22] -Grey [23] -Misa [24] -Rose [25]

A very strong team, this team has been voted to steamroll the other teams in challenges. Sephiroth and Maya are both two very strong competitors, with Rose and Grey behind them plenty to deal with themselves. Their only weak point is Misa, but with the strength of the group she will likely be easy to carry or possible get dropped off. This team is one of the strongest, but also one that is most prone to splitting up and going seperate paths. Not by conflicting personalities, but by the want to succeed. It will depend on some strong leadership from Sephiroth to keep the group together.

Competitiveness: A Compatibility: A Hottness: C Intelligence: B

Team 6: -Brittany [26] -Rachel [27] -Stephani [28] -Vanessa [29] -Nami [30]

Coming in as the 6th team, this team has some real attitude. While not one of the strongest teams competitively, the team makes up for it with pure will power and determination. With highly motivated individuals the team is likely do well at team challenges. However the desire to succeed may split the group apart. Will power isn't everything as well with people like Vanessa and Brittany slowing down the team challenge wise. They will have to rely on the other three girls to pull them through and to play smart.

Competitiveness: A Compatibility: A Hottness: B Intelligence: C

Team 7: -Tifa [31] -Rain [32] -Jessica [33] -Li [34] -April [35]

This team has a lot of strong competitors, but is also a very mismatched group. Everyone's talents overlap and there may be a lot of confusion on who does what in challenges. However it does mean that the team is well rounded and won't need to carry any weight. It does mean however that they will not likely accell in any one area of expertise. With a strong leader like Tifa however the team may be able to pull through. Might possibly be a team that does better split up however finding other girls that can fill in their weak spots.

Competitiveness: A Compatibility: B Hottness: A Intelligence: C

Team 8: -Amy [36] -Tiffany [37] -Dana [38] -Marisa [39] -Autumn [40]

Team 9: -Arisa [41] -Emily [42] -Abby [43] -Ashley [44] -Vena [45]

Team 10: -Tina [46] -Melissa [47] -Lena [48] -Stacy [49] -Casey [50]

Team 11: -Eve [51] -Lightning [52] -Yuna [53] -Katsune [54] -Michelle [55]

Team 12: -Laura [56] -Summer [57] -Haruna [58] -Miru [59] -Karen [60]

Team 13: -Lala [61] -Sandra [62] -Karey [63] -Wendy [64] -Mindy [65]

Team 14: -[66] -[67] -[68] -[69] -[70] -[71] -[72] -[73] -[74] -[75] -[76] -[77] -[78] -[79] -[80] -[81] -[82] -[83] -[84] -[85] -[86] -[87] -[88]

But now it all comes down to this. What group would you like to start off playing through the temple?

(More teams will be playable as soon as I get more built onto the others.)

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