The Grand Arena / Start the Game

From Create Your Own Story

The Grand Arena

Introduction: Round 1

The game begins, everyone taking their designated spots around the game board at their randomly selected spots. The girls are placed in the order they were introduced after randomly selected, Andrea at the first position with Mari at the last position. The first spot was on the middle of the bottom bunk of a bunkbed, placing Andrea in the middle of it with Robin to her left on its edge and Mari on her right on that edge. On the couch next to them sat Yoruichi then Cornelia. Juri had a couch like chair next to the couch, while Lili next to her along with Mai had wooden chairs to sit in.

The girls all sat down, eyeing their spots and the opponents around them. They all gave each other good luck before setting up the board. Andrea was first, moving forward to roll the dice when everything was set up. She was in a ok spot, but one that she would handle. Mari was to her right and would probably try to get some reactions out of her. If she played it cool though, the girl would loose her interest and switch targets. Robin on the other hand was likely to be all over her relentlessly. She was definantly Andrea's most immediate threat, she would have to be careful with her. And Andrea doubted Yoruichi would help her much against Robin. She didn't seem like Robin was the type she would go after. More like ally with. Andrea looked down to spot the dice roll on items. Interesting.

The game spoke up. "Take off one piece of clothing." It was simple start. Andrea nodded then reached back to undo her bra under her dress. It was an obvious choice that wouldn't give her opponents too much leverage. She finally got it off, slipping it out of her dress letting her breasts press against her dress unprotected.

"Aww, not taking off the dress?" Robin said with an innocent grin, moving to roll the dice for her turn. Andrea just ignored her taunt.

Robin rolled the dice, the dice landing on endure. She smirked. She could do some really naughty things with endure. Robin found herself in a pretty good position after the random seating. Andrea wasn't going to be easy to go after, but she was sitting on the same bed with her making her vulnerable. She might be fun to make squeal if she could manage it. Atleast the girl was unlikely to come after her to hard if she failed. On her other side was Yoruichi. Her personality was a lot like Robin's, she might get along with the girl if they didn't bump heads to much early. Plus, they both had easy targets on either side making them unlikely to go after each other immediately.

The game spoke up. "Have the girl sitting across from you give you an endure challenge." Robin frowned slightly, looking up to see who was across from her. It was Lili, an extremely hot blonde, though a little too snooty for her own taste. It was a shame she didn't get to give an endure command to someone else.

Lili looked thoughtful as it was her turn to decide. She could get Robin pretty good if she wanted to, but it would be pointless. The girl was on the opposite side of the circle and unlikely to effect her game much. Plus, knowning Robin, she'd probably like whatever Lili would have her do. Smirking as she came up with something devious, Lili looked over to Andrea then back to Robin. She couldn't help but grin as Robin realized it was going to be good for her. "Play with Andrea's breasts." Andrea had some rocking breasts, it would be fun to see if Robin could get a reaction out of her through them. At the very least it would turn Lili on.

Robin turned to Andrea, scooting over in the bed. "Perfect. Might as well take advantage of those undefended beauties." Andrea just frowned slightly as Robin moved up partially behind her, sliding her hands under her arms to come up and squeeze her nice firm breasts. Robin was definantly happy with this endure, she would get to play with this chicks ridiculously amazing breasts until another challenge forced her to stop. And that could be quite a while. Instantly she brought her fingers together to pinch Andrea's nipples but the girl just squirmed slightly in her arms. She would be hard to break, but she would have plenty of time to do so. But it was going to be easier than Robin thought, Andrea's nipples already starting to be visable through her thin dress. Robin just took another big squeeze filling her hands with the girls breasts as Yoruichi's turn started.

Yoruichi was grinning with how the game was going so far. It was only turn three of the first round and already Andrea was getting mauled by Robin. "Leave some for us!" Yoruichi said with a grin.

"As if!" Robin said with a grin.

Smirking, Yoruichi went to roll the dice. She was in an ok spot. Robin was on her right, but was unlikely to be much trouble. She was already focused on Andrea. But Cornelia was on her left, and she would be stubborn to deal with. Yoruichi didn't have very good targets. But a plan was forming in her mind. She had to stay one step ahead of opponents. If she made Cornelia into a weak position, Juri would surely take advantage and the princess would have her hands full there so she wouldn't be a problem for Yoruichi. Not to mention if she went after Cornelia people would think she was simply targetting her. Once she had Robin and Cornelia nice and busy though Yoruichi could start taking out whoever looked like they were doing the best.

The dice landed her on items next to Andrea and the game spoke up. "For every piece of clothing you are willing to take off, you may have another opponent take of a piece of clothing of your choice." Yoruichi grinned. It was a perfect way to go after Cornelia. Plus, the more she took off, the weaker she would look so other girls wouldn't target her early.

"Oh, how amusing." Yoruichi says with an innocent smile, getting a few grins back. "Who to play with..." Yoruichi said with a smirk, sliding off her bra underneath her white shirt. With a grin Yoruichi spun her head around to Cornelia. "Princess, would you mind taking off that skin tight suit for me. It's not like its hiding anything anyways." She says with a devious smirk.

Cornelia just nods, standing up. "Attacking me already Yoruichi? We'll see who comes out ahead here." With that, Cornelia strips down out of her skin tight white suit, revealing her absolutely amazing bustful body. She however has a decent pink lacey bra covering herself up and some matching pink underwear. It shows off her ass however, which is beyond hott.

"Damn thats nice." Robin says with a grin, rubbing her thumbs over Andrea nipples who is still not giving much of a reaction.

"Mmmm..." Lili says from her chair, getting a good look at Cornelia's ass.

Mari just leans forward, adjusting her glasses. "Too bad she is way over there though."

Ignoring their taunts, Cornelia just sits down and looks back over to Yoruichi. If the girl is going to go after her then so be it. She wouldn't be handled easily. She didn't expect the sneaky little rogue to make such an obvious move though. "Anything else?" She said with an indifferent tone.

Yoruichi just smirked. "Well I was going to take off my skirt, but now i'd just be shown off after your nice little display." She put a hand up to her chin then, leaning forward giving a little view of her unbound cleavage through a few unbuttoned buttons of her white shirt. "I think instead, i'll just take off my panties." With that, she gave a grin, stood up, and slid down her panties.

"Whooo!" Robin cried out with a grin. "You show em!"

Yoruichi just smirked, not letting anyone seeing her with her skirt before sitting back down. There were a few awe's of dissapointment at that. "Now who to get next? Cornelia might think i'm being unfair if I get her twice." Yoruichi looked around the room then. "I think..." Yoruichi knew she had to be careful with this hit. She didn't want to interupt Andrea or Robin, and she definantly didn't want Juri to focus on anything besides Cornelia. And if she made Lili too vulnerable she'd go after her instead. Which left Mai and Mari. Mari might think it was a game to get back and forth at each other if she picked her. Which brought it to only Mai. She was unlikely to get her back, yet probably not vulnerable otherwise with her position. "Mai, why don't you take off that lovely robe thing." It was a good choice. It got Mai almost completely naked already making her nice bait for Mari. Plus, it would seem she was just trying to make the most of her de-clothing choices by picking two entire suits instead of a strategic move.

Nodding, Mai stood up and slowly slid off her clothing revealing just her pink panties underneath. That was all she had left. She didn't mind though, she would survive this.

Lili pursed her lips, leaning forward and getting an eyefull. "Bet you wish you had worn more clothes huh?" Mai just shrugged at that, nonshalantly covering her breasts with one arm across them.

"Jesus she has a hot body." Mari said with a now very interested smile, looking over Mai's perfectly shaped body. She wasn't as busty or as beautiful as some of the other girls, but she was atheletic and built making everything toned and firm. Yoruichi smiled secretly. Mari was taking the bait.

"I'm done!" Yoruichi said with a grin then, leaning back on the couch crossing her legs. She was a little more calm on the inside, and very alert. What Juri decided to do would decide if her plan would work or not. But she had to wait for Cornelia first.

Cornelia realized it was her turn then, moving to roll the dice. She was actually ok with her spot. Yoruichi would be troublesome, but somehow it didn't seem like she was fully after getting her. She could of had worse. On the other hand, Juri was on her left. Cornelia had heard of a few things the woman had done in the past. She would have to be careful not to be caught by her. Besides that though, Cornelia was away from people like Robin, Lili, and Mari who would of given her the biggest problems by attacking her sexually. Pain and trickery she could deal with better.

The dice landed on command and the game spoke up. Cornelia nodded slowly. "You may spank either the girl on your left or your right until she says a designated phrase you pick." Cornelia instantly was quite thoughtful. Yoruichi frowned at that. She better not pick me... but damn. There is no way she is picking Juri.

"Fuck." Yoruichi said, sitting up.

Cornelia just smirked slightly. "I choose you Yoruichi. I think a little payback is in order." Then to Yoruichi's surprise as she was starting to get up Cornelia grabbed her by the ponytail and yanked her over her lap.

"Hey! Be careful!" Yoruichi hissed.

But Cornelia just grinned, instantly pulling up Yoruichi's skirt revealing her naked ass and perfect cunt nessled between it. "Now, what shall I make you say for me?" Cornelia said with a grin, slapping Yoruichi's ass hard once just causing Yoruichi to squirm a little.

Another hard slap landed on Yoruichi's ass almost making her cry out. That bitch! She turned it around to where i'm more exposed than her. Yoruichi fumed, determined not to give Cornelia the satisfaction of crying out.

Cornelia slapped her ass hard again, this time Yoruichi giving out a small grunt. "How about, 'I want Mari and Lili to fuck me hard, I can't stand to be so far away from them." She slapped Yoruichi's ass again hard then, this time getting a lovely little cry from the startled Yoruichi who was blushing slightly. And she was fuming inside. Cornelia must of been aware of her strategy, she was practically sicking Mari and Lili on her! There were a few laughs at the command, as well as Yoruichi's yelp.

Spanking Yoruichi hard over and over, Cornelia was impressed by how much the girl was holding in and not crying out. Who knew she would be so tough? But her ass was starting to turn a shade of red, it wasn't going to be pleasant for her to sit down, especially without any panties and a skirt on. "Well?" With that Cornelia brought down a very hard slap on the ass, grinning when Yoruichi gasped in pain.

"Fine." Yoruichi muttered, her ass pulsing in pain. Cornelia was very good at spanking someone, her ass was surely red by now. "'I want Mari and Lili to fuck me SO hard, I can't stand to be so far away from them.'"

"Oh really Yoruichi?" Lili said with a grin. "We'll make sure to fuck you as soon as possible if you want it so badly."

Mari laughed. "Mm of course! You won't be able to sit straight when i'm done with you."

Cornelia just spanked her again hard once causing a good yelp this time, her ass bright red now. But Yoruichi pulled herself up then. "I said it! Stop you ogre." And with that sat back down at her side of the couch, gasping slightly as it hurt to sit down. She was really wishing she hadn't of took off her panties. Maybe she had overextended herself now. She would get her back! Damn her for sicking those girls after her.

Quite happy with her turn, Cornelia looked over to Juri indifferently. "I'm done now Juri, you can go."

Juri just looked at Cornelia dead in the eyes blankly before sitting up and rolling the dice. These girls playing around were pitiful. She couldn't wait till she could teach them all a lesson. She personally didn't care who she was sitting between or who she went after. She would have them all in the end, and she had never lost before. The dice landed on hardcore. Juri blinked and waited for the game to speak. "Make out with the girl on your left and the girl to your right. Then choose a winner. The winner gets to take of a piece of your clothing."

Juri frowns slightly at that. But she gave a small smile, getting up and walking over to Lili. "I guess this will make you happy."

Lili just grinned, looking up at Juri. She was so fucking hot, only wearing that bikini with her ass and breasts sticking out. And the way she walked. But she was a little intimidating. Juri brought her face foward, her hand coming up to the side of Lili's head as she bent forward to kiss her. The two locked lips, Juri leaning forward cupping Lili's cheek giving her a passionate kiss. Lili gasped, not expecting Juri to be so forward, before sliding an arm around her neck bringing her deeper into the kiss and pulling Juri over her. Juri followed easily, moving over Lili who just leaned back in the chair, Juri moving on top of her to straddle her, kissing her passionately. Lili grinned then, loving such a hot body on top of her, reaching forward to grab Juri's amazing ass. Juri didn't even blush, leaning forward meshing their breasts together slipping her tongue into Lili's mouth deepening the kiss. Lili instantly let out a small moan at that, getting lost in the kiss squeezing Juri's ass harder, leaning back and running her own tongue expertly along Juri's.

Then suddenly to her surprise Juri pulled out of the kiss, looking Lili in the eyes for a moment before suddenly grinning slightly and bringing Lili's head down into her cleavage holding her there. Lili instantly blushed, startled and tried to pull out, though she kind of liked it. After a few second Juri pulled away though with a grin, walking away with a knowing smirk on her face and a very seductive walk as her ass swayed very visably through her bikini bottom as she slowly turned to look at Cornelia.

Lili was quite taken aback by Juri. She hadn't expected her to be so forward. Lili frowned though, she still had a chance of winning this mini-challenge. Cornelia wouldn't likely be very good at making out.

It wasn't long before Juri moved over to Cornelia, who just looked up at her letting Juri move onto the couch to straddle her again. Then Juri leaned forward, taking one of Cornelia's massive breasts in her hand through her bra and squeezed it as their lips met, Cornelia giving a surprised gasp and a slightly blush as their lips meshed against each other, Juri nipping at her lips a few times before Cornelia brought a hand up to the back of her head, pulling her deep into the kiss. The two kissed for a while, Juri's tongue once again venturing forward plunging into Cornelia's mouth who gasped. But she recovered quickly, running her hand forward to cup Juri's breast and squeeze, pulling her against Cornelia. To her surprise Juri didn't gasp or moan when she ran her thumb under the bikini against her nipple, instead just leaning forward more plunging her tongue deeper causing Cornelia to gasp again.

After a few more seconds Juri smirked, bringing her hand around Cornelia's back, squeezing her other breast firmly and rubbing the nipple through the bra. Cornelia moaned softly at that, blushing when Juri simply ran her tongue into her mouth again twisting it along hers. Then suddenly she heard a snap and her eyes shot open in surprise. Juri just smirked again, pulling away leaving a small trail of drool for a second as the two were so into the kiss, pulling Cornelia's bra off with her and grinned walking back over to her chair. "Hey!" Cornelia said blushing, covering herself with one arm. "You can't do that!"

Juri just didn't say anything, sitting back down and crossing her legs, tossing Cornelia's bra off to the side. Mari quickly picked it up when Cornelia got up to reach for it, grinning and putting it behind her. Cornelia hissed, sitting back down. "Fine."

Juri just looked back and forth between the two, thinking slightly. "Lili wins."

Grinning, Lili stood up and looked over Juri. "Good choice! Hmm..." Lili only had two choices, Juri's bottom or top. Juri's top would probably have her in better with Juri, but getting her bottom would get at Juri better. But Lili didn't exactly want to make an enemy of Juri however. "Take off your top!" Lili said with a confident grin.

Juri just shrugged and slipped off her top, her absolutely amazing firm breasts now visable infront of everyone. They definantly were in the running for some of the best breasts. Juri however, unlike Mai and Cornelia, didn't bother to cover them up, leaning back in her chair without a blush.

Lili just smiled slightly, sitting back down. It was her turn now. She was a little shaken by Juri, the girl had handled her too well in her own department. She was supposed to make her moan atleast once! A little frustrated, Lili rolled the dice. She was in an relatively good spot position wise. Juri wasn't too big of a threat, though very dangerous if she ever got captured by her. Until then she would be ok. And Mai was an easy target to her left. She wished she had a fun target to be with though like Robin or Mari. She could definantly have some fun with them. But she watched the dice finally land. It was on endure. Lili frowned, she hated doing something for an extended amount of time.

The game spoke up though. "You must switch two players locations. Whoever you move gets to give you an endure challenge." Everyone was pretty surprised by that. It was a game changer for sure, moving people around. Everyone was curious to see who Lili was going to move. A few wanting to be moved badly, others praying they were not picked.

Lili thought about it carefully, frowning. It was a tough decision. For one, Lili wanted a lesbian partner in crime. Moving one next to her or moving herself next to one would be optimal, especially because she would get to control one of the endure challenges. Mari came up first, she would likely be the most fun. Robin was too hardcore for even Lili. She could get the best of both worlds and move inbetween them, but then she'd have Robin all over her. If she switched with Mai she would get rid of her turn, which would be a strong blow against Mai. But at the same time, Mai she realized was someone she really didn't want to give an endure challenge to. And there was the fact that she wanted to get away from Juri. Lili grinned as she made up her mind. It might be a gamble, but she had decided.

"I want to switch Juri and Mari." Everyone gasped at that. It was perfect. She would be getting Juri away from her, while moving Mari next to her. Plus, it messed up Mari because she would miss a turn letting Lili get a little chance to get ahead of her to establish the relationship.

The two switched places, Mari going first on her endure with a grin. "Lili, I endure you to finger yourself." Lili just grins at that. Mari sure was being forward, and drastic. These girls definantly knew how to get the most out of whatever little power they recieved.

Sighing, Lili moved a hand to hike up her dress a little bit, sliding her hand under her panties to slowly slide a finger up her pussy giving a small gasp. "Fine, you little hussy." Lili says with a grin. Mari just smirks innocently back. "Juri?" Lili says, looking over to her. As long as Juri doesn't screw her over, she isn't in too bad of a spot.

Juri however has different plans. "Lili, I endure you to come sit on my lap. You'll still take turns as if you were sitting from where you are."

Lili's eyes open in shock. No! She is going to ruin everything! Lili says exasperated. Juri had read right through her move, bringing her back away from Mari and back into her own hands. Plus, Lili realized with horror, she had just given Juri another turn she might use on her. Without saying anything, Lili went over and sat on Juri's lap who to her horror instantly put arms around her, pulling her back hard against her.

"Now finger yourself Lili." She purred in Lili's ear. Blushing slightly, Lili began to finger herself on Juri's lap.

Robin just grinned from across the bed. "Well hey Juri, we both have our own little blonde bimbos to play with don't we?"

Juri smirked. "Lets see which one we can fuck over the most?" With that she grinned, trying to slip her hand down to Lili's clit to help her, Lili fighting her off with a blush. She can't do that!

But it was Mai's turn next, who leaned forward still covering herself and rolled the dice. She was in a good spot, both sides of her now occupied. She just had to not make much of a notice of herself and slip by. The dice landed on items and the game spoke up. "Mai, take off a piece of clothing. You may take off a piece of clothing from someone else."

Mai's eyes went a little wide on this one. She was naked before the end of round one! Not blushing, Mai stood up and slowly slid off her panties, quick to cover herself up with her other hand before sitting back down. She got a few whistles of approval as she did, but just ignored them. She then decided to go after someone who was unlikely to get her back. "Lili, take off your dress."

Lili's eyes went wide. That bitch! Not while i'm on Juri's lap... Lili was not happy by what that meant. But she had to do it, standing up and taking off her dress revealing her white bra and panties. Muttering, she sat back down on Juri's lap, running a hand back to finger herself, Juri pulling her back against her again.

"Mm your so soft Lili. I can't wait to fuck you." Juri said with an evil laugh, keeping an arm tight around her waist while leaning forward for her second turn. Lili just blushed, desperately thinking how she was going to get out of this.

The dice landed on endure and the game spoke up. "The person across from you get to give you an endure challenge." Juri simply looked past Lili. Cornelia was now across from her.

Cornelia just smirked, leaning forward a bit. This was an easy one for her. "Turn Lili around and make out with her until someone says otherwise."

Lili's eyes went wide. NO! But before she knew it she was facing Juri on Juri's lap, her legs on either side of Juri who just pressed against her, grabbing her ass hard which caused Lili to wince.

"Mm i'm going to enjoy this. Don't you dare stop touching yourself." With that Juri grabbed Lili's hair, forcing her into the kiss grabbing her ass harder, instantly parting her lips with her tongue sliding it forcefully against Lili's instantly getting a moan out of her.

Lili was in horror, forced to finger herself while making out with Juri was was molesting her ass. She just blushed, trying to pull out of the kiss slightly but was just forced into a few deep kisses causing her to moan again, feeling her pussy getting wet. And just as the first round ended Juri smirked, bringing her hand away from Lili's hair down to her panties, forcing her hand under despite Lili's other hand catching her wrist, and began to rub her clit.

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