The Grand Arena / Bring your free hand down to stop the woman (4)

From Create Your Own Story

The Grand Arena

You bring your free hand down to stop the woman, fending her off from your pussy barely though she is very insistant. You even manage to break away from the other man holding your wrist, bringing them both down to defend your pussy against the womans prying hands. Unfortunantly you find your breasts defenseless, and coming up and fully squeezing your massive breasts through your suit causing you to give a small gasp of pleasure.

Then suddenly you feel something up by your neck, then you hear a snapping sound. To your horror, suddenly a guy yanks down your suit exposing your full breasts which come flopping out, your eyes going wide in embaressment. One guy starts to pull the suit down more while other guys move in to squeeze your massive breasts fully, playing with your nipples in whatever way they please. You look around desperately, giving out small moans as they squeeze your breasts so fully and pinch your nipples.

But you can't stop them, if you do the woman will be able to get at your pussy! Infact, if you move your arms now the man pulling down your suit will rip the whole thing off leaving you naked. You'll be hopeless then! You have no choice but to let them at your breasts, one moving in to start sucking on one which causing you to throw your head forward, giving a moan.

Then, the woman finally gives up, and to your horror pulls out a small jar of some kind of gel. She tells the other guys to take some and rub it all over your body. The guys nod, all taking some and to your horror they start to rub the stuff all over your breasts and nipples, causing you to almost cry out over and over.

The woman[1] however, doesn't seem done. And with a smirk, she puts a hand right above your cunt, you trying to pry it away. She smiles. "If you don't move your hands, you'll regret it."

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