Tell your brother that you don't want to go back to your village anymore

From Create Your Own Story

"I'm sorry, but I don't want to go back. I'm an elf now, and my place is with them."

"No!" your brother shouts angerly.

You quickly take a step back, and ready your guard, just in case. Even though he is your brother, he's still an orc, and you wouldn't put it past him to force you to go, even if that meant getting you addicted to his cum. You brother quickly calms himself, and takes a deep breath. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. If you... want to stay with the elves, I won't stop you. But what would I tell mother? I can't lie and break her heart."

"You should tell her the truth. But only in private. As for the others, tell them whatever you feel they'll believe. You're the smartest orc I know, you'll think of something."

You brother slowly nods, and gives you a tender hug. "I guess this is goodbye then?"

"Yeah. If things go well, we won't see each other again."

He smiles sadly at your response. "Well, good luck being an elf. I'll miss you, little brother."

"I'll miss you too, big brother."

He then chuckles, "I have to say, though, you make one hot elf. Just like mom."

"Must run in the family."

"No doubt." he says, as he slowly back away, and you climb a nearby tree.

You watch your brother of mind try and convince your two older brothers of strength from your vantage point. They're at it for around a half an hour, before they're finally convinced, and slowly leave. You brother of mind looks up at you, and waves. You smile and wave back, glad that things turned out okay. With that done, you return to your camp sight to see Angi ready for bed.

"Hey, Ronama, glad to see you made it back okay. Anything to report? You were pretty quiet today."

Health Female orc, named Ronama Equipment:

Hunter uniform, quiver full of arrows, bow, phoenix feather

Experience Virgin
HP 100
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