Tell the salesgirl you think she needs to measure them again.

From Create Your Own Story

"Oh, so you want a really thorough analysis?" she says, her face lighting up. "I hardly ever get to do this! Come on, follow me." The salesgirl grabs your hand and leads you to a dressing room near the back. Once there, she shuts the door behind her and turns to face you, beaming happily. "I'm a fifth-level Breast Bitch, but never have the chance to use my skills. I'm so glad you asked!"

Then, before you can ask about the Breast Bitch thing, her hands are on your tits again. This time she's at once much gentler and far more probing; she prods, squeezes, twists, pinches, taps, and overall gropes your breasts. Not a centimeter of flesh is left unexamined, and you're left breathless and horny.

Finally, she drops your boobs and says, "You have very odd breasts, miss. They seem... new, almost. Unused. But they aren't fake, that much is for sure. You're not lactating, but they feel very fresh." She's staring at your breasts as she explains.

Health Horny & Female Location:

The Lingerie Shop

MP 0
Level 4
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