Tell her you can go out some other day if she'd rather shower and go to bed

From Create Your Own Story

"No, silly!" Emily grins while shaking her head. "Now that you've dressed me up and made me all messy with your semen it would be a shame to call it quits!"

"Okay then," you say.

"I want to see what you have in store for me. You're so different from the other boys and I want to know what you're all about."

You nod and take her by the hand.

As you leave her father's house she says "I'll try my best to go along with anything you've planned for tonight."

When she climbs the fence you briefly see her wet pussy glistening in the street lights, and you savor the pungent smell of woman juices.

You're off! The night is cool but not cold. The lights of the city can be seen ahead.

Where do you go?

You are possessing:
6th Grade Boy
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