Tell her she's done it all wrong and needs to be punished

From Create Your Own Story

"But sir!" she protests. Ignoring her, you sit down and bend her over your knee. Holding her upper body down with one hand, you pull up her skirt with the other to reveal white panties.

"What are you doing sir? I'm not a child!" she exclaims.

"Silence!" you bellow, "You're going to get a good spanking young lady!"

You pull down her panties, exposing her smooth, round pink bottom, and slap it hard. "Oww!" she says.

"Be quiet and take your punishment!" you say, and slap her buttocks again and again. She stifles her cries as you spank her little ass until it's red.

"Now stand up!" you say, "Are you going to be a good girl now?"

"Yes sir," she says, blushing.

Do you:

Health Horny Location:

The High School

MP 0
Level 1
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