Take the money and say you'll hang onto the pic for now

From Create Your Own Story

You pick up the money and tuck it away in your pocket. You make no further move.

"Well," the bully says impatiently. "Aren't you gonna delete the pic?"

"Oh, about that," you reply casually. "I think I might just hang onto it for now. Both for my own amusement and also as an insurance policy against you, should you decide to do anything foolish in the future." You say all of this with the slight traces of a smug, self-satisfied grin on your face.

This is too much for the bully to handle. He screams in rage and lunges for you. You get tackled to the ground, your phone falling out of your hand and scuttling across the bathroom floor. The bully climbs on top of you, pinning you down onto the floor with his legs.

"You're gonna regret that, weirdo!" he yells.

What do you do:

You are possessing:
12th Grade Boy
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