Take a step back, and knee him in the face when he tries to grab you.

From Create Your Own Story

John is big, but he’s slow, and you know what he’s planning to do as soon as he starts to move. You see him lunge forward, and realize that if you take a step back, you’ll have room to knee him in the face, possibly ending the fight before it gets out of hand.

You step back, and-

Realize you’d forgotten about the dumpster behind you. You aren’t able to make the necessary space, and John crashes into you and grabs you with his thick, meaty arms.

The two of you crash backwards into the dumpster, and you feel your breath knocked from you get smashed into the hard metal.

Before you have a chance to recover, John picks you up bodily, and throws you against the wall. Your head connects with the hard concrete, your legs buckle, and you fall to the ground, stunned.

You try to struggle to your feet, but a quick kick to the ribs, and another to the face, stops that idea in its tracks. You look up to see John leering over you, with Lester and Mitchell slowly approaching behind him.

“Looks like you’re not so tough now, huh bitch?” John asks, triumphantly.

“What are we gonna do with her, John?” asks Mitchell, not a particularly clever boy.

“I can think of a few things…” Lester says, with an unpleasant gleam in his eye.

Do you:

Wait in silence.

Plead for mercy.

Try to run again.

Status Bar
Health 100 Equipment:

Bookbag,Book about Violence,Peace sign stickers

Status {{{Status}}}
Gender Female
Social Group {{{Social Group}}}
Boyfriend/Girlfriend {{{Boyfriend/Girlfriend}}}
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