Tackle Her

From Create Your Own Story

With her back turn, you leap into action, tackling the policewoman around her waist. She is knocked over easily and as she falls she strikes her head on the ground, knocking her out cold. Lying on the ground you can see her gun, still in the holster and the phone in her hand. Attached to her belt are the keys to her car.

You can here a man's voice over the phone. "Tabitha? Tabitha, are you OK?" the voice says with a tone of worry "Don't worry Tabitha, we're sending a back-up right away!". It looks like you don't have a lot of time before more cops show up.

What do you do?

Grab her gun and stand your ground

Grab her keys and find her car

Grab her phone and try to act like Tabitha

Use your zombie dick

Eat her brain

Run away as fast as your legs can carry

You are: A zombie
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