TPM: The Gungan army to fight the Droid armies.

From Create Your Own Story

While the others load into the speeders you stay with your pal Jar-Jar, you want to see this droid army in action! Jar-Jar however barely notices you, prattling on about being premoted to general. Suddenly you notice a whole lot of the Gungan's are starting to eye you with hungry looks. You look around for the others, but now your the only human left.

One huge gungan with long muscular arms calls out to Jar-Jar. "Heysa, General Jar-Jar! Da Naboo left behind wan o' da little onesas. Request permissions for da boys to boom-boom it for courage in battle!"

Jar-Jar just waves his hands, not even hearing the big Gungan, "Who caresa, meesa General!"

The big Gungan looks back to you, grinning evily. Suddenly they're all on you at once, thier big slimy hands yanking at you from all sides...

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