TPM: Finished checking over your pod and are waiting to race.

From Create Your Own Story

You wander over to your companions, your small, round face streaked with sweat and engine grease. You feel shakes of nervous energy zip through you just thinking about the race ahead. You look around at your friends, trying to decide who to talk to before the race starts.

TPM: Calm master Qui-Gon for some sage advice...
TPM: Your sad-looking mother Shimi, for some mom time...
TPM: Watto, your slave master, who's calling out to you.
TPM: Super-pretty servant girl Padme. You think she likes you...
TPM: Goofy frog man Jar-Jar, who's looking at you with his tongue lolling out.

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Anakin Skywalker
The Phantom Menace

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