TLJ: Accept point I, refuse point II

From Create Your Own Story

“You should be executed solely for bringing up your second point.” You say menacingly.

“I will only t-t-talk under my c-c-conditions.” He states dryly.

“With the amount of torture tools at our disposition, I don’t think so.” You answer as dryly.

“G-g-go ahead, torture me. You think I was never tortured by you b-b-before? By the time you are f-f-finished, the Resistance will have escaped.” He claims.

“And you, executed.” You reply.

“How about you? How will you defend yourself when t-t-they ask you why a man who was w-w-willing to talk didn’t? That you failed over j-j-just one condition? What is the i-i-importance of your body f-f-for the First Order over the w-w-war? You will get demoted and sent to die on the f-f-frontlines, or even better, executed next to me.” He calmly counters.

You don’t answer to that. He asked while negociating for the piece of paper to write his terms, and probably told everybody he wanted money and one secret condition. That is a lot of potential witnesses against you. He seems to know how the First Order works since your failure could indeed mark a demotion or an execution, if the Resistance manages to flee. Also, your body isn’t worth anything in the grand scheme of the First Order. Refusing that “sacrifice” would be catastrophic if any of your superiors found out. The piece of paper you hold in your hand would be the ultimate proof against you, and “misplacing” it would only incriminate you even more. Moreover, two of your superiors are Siths that could make you talk pretty easily.

The loyal answer would be to gamble that you are fast enough to make him spill the truth, along with some of his teeth of course. But your self preservation is over any sort of loyalty. This is why you rushed so hard to climb up the hierarchy, why you deactivated the shield of Starkikler base when Han Solo ordered you to under the menace of his blaster. Everything leads to your self preservation, but that man you only knew for five minutes all figured it out in those five minutes?

“You and I aren’t so d-d-different. We value our own lives more than anything else. It just happens that I k-k-know more about you than you about me.” He answers without even you asking him.

FN-2187. It has to be him. You don’t know how he figured you out, but it has to be him who told that slicer some of those informations. You will make sure he doesn’t exit his cell alive, since you will torture him yourself.

But for now you are stuck in a blackmail! What happens next?

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Captain Phasma
Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi

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