Sure (Follow Brian)

From Create Your Own Story

Brian smiles and takes another quick look around before wading across the river. The deepest the river gets is about to your waist but you still make sure to be carful when crossing it. On the other side Brian takes you up shore and away from the rest of the guys. Eventually you see steam and learn that Brian is taking you to a small hot springs that feeds into the river.

Brain slowly steps into the natural pool. Almost instantly sighing with relief. "Man. This feel so good!" He sits on a rock and turn towards you saying. "Don't worry about the heat jus keep away from the source and you should be fine. You nod and step into the small pool with him. You realize that sitting a far away as you can you still only get a few inches of room from Brian. He smiles.

"Just think people in the city are spending thief well earned cash on a hot tube when we can just come up here. Granted you have to hike abit but that's fine." He sighs and extends his legs out and his foot almost touches you. He continues to stretch out his legs then just lets them float their. You look at his foot. It's large. A size 13 if you remember the last time he said it. How do you feel about his feet?

Strangely turned on

You tell him to stop invading your personal space.

Status Bar
Health 100 Equipment:


Status {{{Status}}}
Gender Male
Social Group Redneck
Boyfriend/Girlfriend Amanda
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