Sure! A party of four is standard, after all

From Create Your Own Story

"That's great," Jenna replies, in a tone somewhere between enthusiastic and sultry. "Come over to my place in an hour, okay? I helped the girls make characters and I think you'll be pleased with the results." She gives you her address and hangs up with a air-kissing sound.

An hour has never passed more slowly. By the time the clock hits 6:30 and you set out to walk the three blocks between your house and hers, your erection is throbbing, but decently well concealed in your cargo shorts. You approach Jenna's large house and knock on the door, when it swings open and you practically fall backwards in surprise. There, standing before you, is Jenna in her ranger costume, her huge bust causing the thin green fabric to strain and sway. But behind her is someone else- Kaylee, the blonde cheerleader you've seen with Jenna before.

She's dressed, you suppose, as a wizard. Wrapped around her is a sort of bath robe or towel, but it's as if it's made of latex; the material clings to her figure extremely tightly, and you can definitely see she isn't wearing a bra under. To make matters worse, the robe barely reaches an inch or two two below her groin, so her long, tanned, toned legs seem to stretch for miles up. She flashes you a cheeky smile as you stare.

After a solid couple seconds, you look back at the redhead and mutter "J-Jenna, what are you two-"

"Shhh," replies Jenna, giving the most seductive grin. "Who's Jenna? My name is Jenniel, the Ranger of the Woods. And this is my adventuring companion, Kayleena the red mage." She grabs your lapel and pulls you gently inside. "We can't go adventuring without a master though- a dungeon master, that is." After a wink, she kisses you deeply, running her hands over your chest. Kaylee -or Kayleena, it seems- leans over your shoulder and gently sucks on your ear, groaning softly-

"Shall we introduce you to the rest of the party, master? Or would you prefer we go on a solo adventure?"

Go "adventuring" with these two

Go and meet the other two party members

Status Bar
Health 100 Equipment:

Calculator,Backpack,notebooks and school books, D&D core book

Status {{{Status}}}
Gender Male
Social Group Nerd
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