Stuck in the Elevator/Tell her that's not why you hate her

From Create Your Own Story

"That's not my problem with you... I mean, I wasn't expecting anything!" You fumble over your words. She never fails to throw you off. Something about the combination of short, hot and mean just fries your brain.

"I'll BET you weren't," Corina says, rolling her eyes.

"Dammit, Corina. You've been sabotaging me since we started here. You stole the Feynman project from me!"

Corina stifles a laugh. "I didn't STEAL anything. I'm just BETTER than you at this job."

You stutter out a response, "That... th-that's such a lo-*"


The elevator shakes and slams to a halt, knocking both of you off your feet.

"What the fuck...!" Corina squeals on her way down.

As you start to sit up, you glance over at Corina. She's landed on her hands and knees, with her skirt hiked way up.

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